Liver Abscess

Liver Abscess

A localized infection in the liver parenchyma that may be bacterial, fungal, or parasitic in origin. Patients typically present with nonspecific constitutional symptoms, RUQ abdominal pain, and tenderness. The most common underlying condition in people with pyogenic liver abscess is biliary tract disease. Treatment of pyogenic abscess focuses on both timely administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics and drainage of the abscess. People with fungal abscess require anticandidal therapy. Amebic abscess is treated with a nitroimidazole, followed by a luminal agent.
"Liver abscesses are purulent collections in the liver parenchyma that result from bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infection. Infection can spread to the liver through the biliary tree, hepatic vein, or portal vein, by extension of an adjacent infection, or as a result of trauma. One or multiple abscesses can be present. Fungal liver abscess can occur in immunocompromised hosts. Amebic liver abscess is a complication of amebiasis".

Other causes and risk factors include:

  • bacteria from a ruptured appendix that forms an abscess
  • pancreatic cancer
  • colon cancer
  • inflammatory bowel disease, such as diverticulitis or a perforated bowel
  • a blood infection, or septicemia
  • trauma to the liver by accident or injury

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Asstt.Professor,SGRRIM & HS

Appointment:-+9197190 12227

DR. Naziya